Ukraine Trade Statistics of 25 Ho Imports from Poland

Check Ukraine trade statistics of 25 ho imports from Poland. Find trade data analysis of Ukraine imports of 25 ho

Date HS Code Product Description Origin Country Quantity Net Weight [KGS] Total Value [USD] Importer Name
30/Apr/2017 602904900 1.Dekoratyvni trees, shrubs and chaharnykyv hoschykah of torfohruntom or komomtorfohruntu for open ground, Fir / Abies koreana Brillant C11 h 30-35sm - 4 pieces. Fir / Abies lasiocarpaCompacta C35 h 300-350 cm - 2sht.Klen / Acer palmatum 'Fireglow' h 350-375sm - 1pc. Maple / Acer platanoides'Drummondii 'h 160-180 cm - 6sht.Klen / Acer platanoides' Drummondii' h180-200 cm - 2 pcs. Maple / Acer platanoides'Drummondii 'h 180-200 cm - 4 pieces. Birch / Acer platanoides 'Globosum' h 140-160 sm 6 pcs. Birch / Acer platanoides 'Royal Red' h 180-200 cm - 2 pcs. Chestnut / Aesculushippocastanum 'Baumannii' h 180-200 cm - 6 pieces. Amelansher / Amelanchier lamarckii h300-350 cm - 2 pcs. Barberry / Berberis thunbergii Concorde C3 h 20-30 cm - 30sht.Barbarys / Berberis thunbergii Golden Dream C3 h 30-40 cm - 30sht.Barbarys / Berberis thunbergii Red Rocket C3 h 30-40 cm - 30sht. Birch / Betulacostata C240 ​​h 200-250 cm - 1 pc. Birch / Betula jacquemontii h 300-350 sm 1am. Birch / Betula nigra C51 h 80-100 cm - 2 pcs. Boxwood / Buxus h 550-600 cm -1sht. Sam Shyt / Buxus h 600-700 cm - 3pc. Hornbeam / Carpinus betulus h 200-250 cm - 2sht.Kyparysovyk / Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Filifera Aurea' C5 h 50-75 cm - 2sht.Deren / Cornus alba Sibirica Variegata C3 h 40-60 cm - 100 pieces. Deren / Cornus kousaMilky Way C25 h 100-125 cm - 2 pcs. Deren / Cornus Kousa Schmetterling C18 h 80-100sm - 2 pcs. Hazel / Corylus Syrena C15 h 140-160 cm - 10pc. Euonymus / Euonymusallatus h 80-100 cm - 2 pcs. Beech / Fagus sylvatica Dawyck Gold C240 ​​h 300-350 cm -2sht. Beech / Fagus sylvatica 'Purpurea' h 50-60 cm - 4 pieces. Hydrangea / Hydrangeapetiolaris C5 h 120 cm - 5pcs. Juniper / Juniperus horizontalis Golden Carpet C2 h25 cm - 20pcs. Juniper / Juniperus horizontalis Wiltonii C7,5 h 30-40 cm - 30sht.Yalivets / Juniperus squamata Blue Carpet C3 h 30-40 cm - 50sht. Larch / Larixdecidua Pendula h 180-200 cm - 2 pcs. Larch / Larix kaempferi C10 h 50 cm - 4sht.Modryna / Larix kaempferi Diana C12 h 120 cm - 2 pcs. Lihvidanbar / Liquidambarstyraciflua h 180-200 cm - 2 pcs. Liriodendron / Liriodendron tulipifera h 140-160sm - 2 pcs. Malus / Malus coronaria Coccinella C10 h 80-100 cm - 4 pieces. Malus / MalusProfusion C10 h 60-80 cm - 4 pieces. Spruce / Picea abies Acrocona C65 h 700-800 cm -1sht. Spruce / Picea abies Baryi h 400-500 cm - 6 pieces. Spruce / Picea glauca Conica C3 h40-60 cm - 10pc. Spruce / Picea omorika Zuckerhut h 200-225 cm - 3pc. Spruce / Piceapungens Edith h 100-125 cm - 5pcs. Spruce / Picea pungens 'Glauca Globosa' h 80-100sm - 2 pcs. Spruce / Picea pungens Iseli Fastigiata h 100-120 cm - 5pcs. Pine / Pinusmugo pumilio h 70-80 cm - 4 pieces. Pine / Pinus mugo h 80-100 cm - 2 pcs. Pine / Pinusmugo Carsten`s Wintergold C12 h 35-45 cm - 4 pieces. Pine / Pinus mugo 'Mops' h 60-70sm- 6 pcs. Pine / Pinus mugo Wintergold h 125-150 cm - 1 pc. Pine / Pinus nigra'Pyramidalis' h 125-150 cm - 2 pcs. Pine / Pinus sylvestris Watereri h 400-500 cm -2sht. Prunus / Prunus cerasifera Crimson Point C60 h 125-150 cm - 2sht.Prunus / Prunus cerasifera Nigra C18 h 120 cm - 6 pieces. Prunus / Prunus serrulata RoyalBurgundy C10 h 120 cm - 6 pieces. Oak / Quercus rubra h 180-200 cm - 2sht.Horobyna / Sorbus Dodong POLAND ***** 18140 3986.145692 View Importer
30/Apr/2017 6908909100 "1.Plytka ceramic facing with kam'ya term ceramic, glazed, vasortymenti with a layer of coating on the front surface that the chemical composition tazabarvlennyam differs from the back and on the" "volume keramiky.-TECNIQ BIANCO GRES SZKL. REKT. MAT . 29,8X59,8 G1 -2,86m2.-CLOUD BROWN PARAPET 20X10 G1 -10,3m2.-MIDIAN GIALLO INSERTO PUNTO 20X60 G1-1,92m2.-OBSIDIANA GRYS GRES SZKL. REKT. MAT. 29,8X59,8 G1 -25,74m2.-RONDONI BLUE INSER.STR.A 9,8X29,8 G1-0,15m2.-RONDONI BLUE INSER.STR.B 9,8X29,8 G1-0,15m2.-RONDONI BLUE INSER.STR .C 9,8X29,8 G1-0,15m2.-RONDONI BLUE INSER.STR.D 9,8X29,8 G1-0,15m2.-ROVERE NATURALE GRES SZKL. REKT. MAT. 14,8X119,8 G1 -6 , 36m2.-TECNIQ BIANCO GRES SZKL. REKT. POLPOLER 44,8X89,8 G1 -6,05m2.-VIVIDA BIANCO INSERTO KUCHENNE A 30X60 G1 -0,18m2.-VIVIDA BIANCO INSERTO KUCHENNE B 3 0X60 G1 -0,18m2.-VIVIDA BIANCO INSERTO KUCHENNE C 30X60 G1 -0,18m2.-PAVI BIANCO GRES SZKL. MAT. 60X60 G1-86,4m2.-CLOUD BROWN PARAPET 20X10 G1 -0,74m2.-CLOUD BROWN PARAPET 30X14,8 G1 -2,89m2.-HO USE BROWN GRES SZKL. MAT 45X45 G1-35,64m2.-HOUSE BROWN GRES SZKL. MAT 45X45 G1-8,1m2.-HOUSE BROWN INSERTO MAT. A 45X45 G1-4,05m2.-HOUSE BROWN INSERTO MAT. B 45X45 G1-4,05m2.-HOUSE BROWN COKOL MAT. 7,2X45 G1-2,07m2.-MASTO BIANCO GRES SZKL. REKT. POLPOLER 29,8X59,8 G1 -22,88m2.-PAGO LIGHT GRES SZKL. REKT. MAT. 16X98,5 G1 -89,1m2.-SABRO BIANCO SCIANA REKT. 29,5X59,5 G1-12,32m2.-SABRO BIANCO INSERTO GEOMETRYK 29,5X59,5 G1 -7,37m2.-TARANTO GRYS GRES SZKL. REKT. POLPOLER 59,8X59,8 G1 -11,44m2.-TARANTO GRAFIT GRES SZKL. REKT. POLPOLER 59,8X59,8 G1 -1,43m2.-TUANA GRES SZKL. REKT. LAPPATO 44,8X89,8 G1 -7,26m2.-WOOD NATURAL GRES SZKL. REKT. LAPPATO 19,8X119,8 G1 -42,84m2.-WOOD NATURAL GRES SZKL. REKT. LAPPATO 19,8X119,8 G1 -61,88m2.-NATURAL BROWN ELEWACJA 24,5X6,6 G1-351,45m2.-NATURAL ROSA ELEWACJA 24,5X6,6 G1-281,16m2.Torhovelna mark: "" CERAMIKA PARADYZ " "Country of origin: PLVyrobnyk:" "CERAMIKA PARADYZ" "Sp. z oo " POLAND 108744 20863.76 8460.896956 View Importer
29/Apr/2017 7318159090 "1.Kripylni ferrous metals, Plug 12h80mm with a long rozpornoyuchastynoyu with screw (shestyhr.holov.) Art.KPR-FAST-12080K - 200sht; Dyubel12h100mm rozpornoyu with the extended part of the screw (shestyhr.holov.) Art.KPR -FAST-12100K - 3000sht, screw head for fixing under TORX pokrivlido bricks coated "" DELTA "" 6,3h120, art.WBSW-63120-D - 7200sht; samonariziz screw washer painted with RAL shestyhr.holivkoyu metal 4 8h19mm, art.WF, 48019-1015 (250) - 16000sht, washer Screw Screws with painted metal RAL zshestyhr.holivkoyu 4,8h19mm, art.WF, 48019-3009 (250) - 32000sht; Hvyntsamonariz hockey painted with RAL shestyhr.holivkoyu metal 4,8h19mm, art.WF, 48019-3011 (250) - 32000sht, washer Screw Screws with painted metal RAL zshestyhr.holivkoyu 4,8h19mm, art.WF, 48019-5005 (250) - 16000sht; Hvyntsamonariz hockey painted with RAL shestyhr.holivkoyu metal 4,8h19mm, art.WF, 48019-6002 (250) - 4000sht, washer Screw Screws with painted metal RAL zshestyhr.holivkoyu 4,8h19mm, art .WF-48019-6005 (250) - 16000sht; Hvyntsamonariz hockey painted with RAL shestyhr.holivkoyu metal 4,8h19mm, art.WF, 48019-8017 (250) - 72000sht; Wood screw with washer painted RAL zshestyhr.holivkoyu metal 4,8h19mm, art.WF, 48019-8019 (250) - 52000sht; Hvyntsamonariz hockey painted with RAL shestyhr.holivkoyu metal 4,8h19mm, art.WF, 48019-9003 (250) - 20000sht; Wood screw with washer painted RAL zshestyhr.holivkoyu metal 4,8h19mm, art.WF, 48019-9005 (250) - 20000sht; Hvyntsamonariz hockey painted with RAL shestyhr.holivkoyu metal 4,8h19mm, art.WF, 48019-9006 (250) - 40000sht; Wood screw with washer painted RAL zshestyhr.holivkoyu wood 4,8h35mm, art.WFD-48035-1003 - 30000sht; Hvyntsamonariz hockey painted with RAL shestyhr.holivkoyu wood 4,8h35mm, art.WFD-48035-1015 - 30000sht; Wood screw with washer painted RAL zshestyhr.holivkoyu wood 4,8h35mm, art.WFD-48035-6002 - 18000sht; Hvyntsamonariz hockey painted with RAL shestyhr.holivkoyu wood 4,8h35mm, art.WFD-48035-9005 - 30000sht; Wood Screw 4,8h25mm coated wood izshayboyu, art.WFDOC-48025 - 21000sht; Wood Screw galvanized 4,8h19mm pometalu hockey, art.WFOC-48,019 (250) - 32000sht; Screw with shestyhr. holivkoyuotsynkovanyy with increased drill hockey 5,5h32mm, art.WSS-55032 - 21000sht.Torhivelna mark "" Wkret-Met "". Producer KLIMAS WKRET-MET Spolka z oo manufacturing country of the PL. " POLAND ***** 2757 7204.761261 View Importer
29/Apr/2017 602904900 1.Zhyvi plants, trees, shrubs and bushes, including their roots, to vidkrytohohruntu for decorative purposes, with torfohruntom in stock: Abies concolorCompacta k C25 80-100 cm Fir-color -6sht. Abies concolor Compacta k C25100-125 cm Fir-color -1sht. Abies concolor Violacea k C32 150-175 smYalytsya -5sht one color. Abies koreana Silberlocke k C32 100-125 cm Yalytsyakoreyska -9sht. Abies koreana Silberlocke k C32 125-150 cm Fir Korean -6sht.Abies lasiocarpa Compacta C10 30-40 cm Fir puhnastonasinna -10sht. Abieslasiocarpa Compacta C10 40-60 cm Fir puhnastonasinna -20sht. Abies lasiocarpaCompacta C32 60-80 cm Fir puhnastonasinna -2sht. Abies lasiocarpa Compacta C3280-100 cm Fir puhnastonasinna -12sht. Abies lasiocarpa Compacta C32 100-125 smYalytsya puhnastonasinna -10sht. Chamaecyparis nootkatensis Pendula k C100 350 / 400sm Chamaecyparis -5sht. Juniperus chinensis Blue Alps C60 f.bonsai cm Yalivetskytayskyy -2sht. Juniperus horizontalis Prince of Wales C7,5 30-40 cm YalivetsH oryzontalnyy -100sht. Juniperus pfitzeriana Compacta C3 20-30 cm Juniper-50sht. Juniperus pfitzeriana Pfitzeriana Aurea C3 20-30 cm Juniper -100sht. Larixkaempferi Blue Dwarf C15 Pa80-125 cm Larix kaempferi -4sht. Larix kaempferiDiana C15 150-175 cm Larix kaempferi -4sht. Larix kaempferi Mazanek C15Pa100-125 cm Larix kaempferi -4sht. Larix laricina Arethusa Bog C15 Pa80-125sm Larix kaempferi -10sht. Picea abies Camon C25 100-125 cm Yalynayevropeyska -2sht. Picea abies Cranstonii k C46 250-300 cm Picea Abies, 2 pcs. Picea glauca C10 40-60 cm Canadian Spruce -30sht. Picea glauca Sanders BlueC10 100-125 cm Canadian Spruce -10sht. Picea orientalis Aureospicata k C32100-125 cm Picea orientalis -1sht. Picea orientalis Aureospicata k C32 150-175 smYalyna east -4sht. Picea pungens Bialobok k C32 100-125 cm Blue Spruce -1sht.Picea pungens Bialobok k C32 125-150 cm Blue Spruce -1sht. Picea pungensGlauca Pendula C10 40-60 cm Blue Spruce -10sht. Picea pungens Koster C15100-125 cm Blue Spruce -1sht. Picea pungens Retroflexa C15 60-80 cm Yalynablakytna -1sht. Picea pungens Retroflexa C15 80-100 cm Blue Spruce -1sht. Piceapungens Retroflexa k C32 125-150 cm Blue Spruce -1sht. Picea pungensRetroflexa k C32 150-175 cm Blue Spruce -1sht. Pinus cembra Glauca C7,5 40-60sm pine-European 20pcs. Pinus cembra Glauca k C32 80-100 cm Pinus cembra -4sht. Pinuscembra Glauca k C32 100-125 cm Pinus cembra -1sht. Pinus densifloraJane Kluis C32 80-100 cm Pine hustokvitna -4sht. Pinus densiflora Jane Kluis C32100-125 cm Pine hustokvitna -2sht. Pinus densiflora Tomoyosho Compacta k C46100-125 cm Pine hustokvitna -4sht. Pinus heldreichii Compact Gem C10 20-30 smSosna Heldreyha -10sht. Pinus mugo C15 30-40 cm Pine Mountain -50sht. Pinus mugoC15 40-60 cm Pine Mountain -50sht. Pinus mugo Mops C25 40-60 cm Alpine pine-34sht. Pinus mugo Carsten's C10 40-60 cm Pine Mountain -10sht. Pinus mugoCarsten's k C32 60-80 cm Pine Mountain, 6 pcs. Pinus mugo Gnom C10 POLAND ***** 19235 12860.96396 View Importer
29/Apr/2017 7318155990 "1.Kripylni ferrous metals: Universal screws from potay.holivkoyu TORX4,0h50mm, art.KMWHT-40050 - 300sht, Universal screws from potay.holivkoyu TORX4,0h70mm, art.KMWHT-40070 - 250sht, Universal screws with a secret. TORX4,5h50mm head, art.KMWHT-45050 - 250sht, universal screws from potay.holivkoyu TORX4,5h80mm, art.KMWHT-45080 - 250sht, universal screws from potay.holivkoyu TORX5,0h40mm, art.KMWHT-50040 - 500sht; Screws purpose of potay.holivkoyu TORX5,0h70mm, art.KMWHT-50070 - 400sht; 8h100mm with a long dowel with screw rozpornoyuchastynoyu (Chairman. secretly Pozidrive), art.KPR-PIKE-08100SK - 2400sht, washer plug d.8mm with screw 5h60mm, art.KRX-085060 - 2400sht; Dyubelvsestoronnho thrust (nylon) with screw 6h35mm a secret. heads. d.3,5h45mm, art.KW-06045 - 3200sht, Universal dowel washer (nylon) 8h50mm of shurupom4,5h80mm , art.RU-08080- 4800sht, screwing screws into wood with double thread 6h80mm, head iznapresovanoyu washer type TORX, art.WKCP-06080 - 3000sht; Screw with secret. holivkoyuzi drill for window profiles (white zinc) 3,9h32mm, art.WSPCV-B-39032 -10000sht; Screws with potay.holivkoyu for fastening in metal roofing coated osnovu4,8h70 DELTA, art.WSR-48070-D - 64000sht; Screws with potay.holivkoyudlya roof mounting in metal base coated 4,8h80mm DELTA, art.WSR-48080-D - 12000sht; Screws for mounting on the roof potay.holivkoyu umetalevu basis 4,8h160mm coated DELTA, art.WSR-48160-D - 24000sht.Torhivelna mark "" Wkret-Met "". Producer KLIMAS WKRET-MET Spolka z oo manufacturing country of the PL. " POLAND ***** 1061 3960.896227 View Importer
28/Apr/2017 7214911000 1.Prut flat (bar) Carbon steel rectangular cross-section, hot rolling with carbon content 0.15% i 0.16%, without further processing: S235 / S275 JR + AR 25x4 L. 6.0M - 4801 kg. POLAND ***** 4801 2324.671271 View Importer
28/Apr/2017 3214900090 "1.Budivelni nevohnetryvki mixture: - PRIMUS packaging in plast.vidra on 23kh = 88sht content filler-sand (granulated) 62-54% water-solvent 26-28% acrylic latex (binder liquid) 9.9 -10.2% scope - for bonding insulating polystyrene panels to mineral bases and create a basic layer of plaster in buildings, mold manufacturing - pasty composition; - PRIMAX, primer, packing in 14 kg plast.vidra = 13sht based on water 65-52% acrylic latex (called "" liquid adhesion agent) 25-15% pigment 5-0,15% to 10% modifiers, applicabl uyetsya to improve traction in buildings (including painted and glazed polystyrene plates and fasteners), form vyhotolennya - opaque liquid mixture; PRM LYMESTONE PASTEL BASE DRYVIT STRATOTONE 310 for packaging in plast.vidra 24.72kh = 60sht based on sand capsulated 63-67% akrilovyy latex (binder liquid) 8,5-10,2% titanium dioxide 1-4%, 12-15% water (solvent) form you hotolennya-pasty composition, scope-for creating external and internal base layer of plaster in buildings. - COLOR PRIME S PASTEL BASE DRYVIT STRATOTONE 310 primer for packaging in plast.vidrah 17.36kh = 10pcs content: water 40-41% 17-18% acrylic polymer, propylene glycol 1.4-1.5% titanium dioxide 0 5-9,9% calcium carbonate filler 16-23% production form - opaque liquid mixture used for coating surfaces in buildings under acrylic and hranitopodobni shtukaturky.Z filler content, Portland cement 20-30% quartz sand 50-60 % 0-14% lime and polymer binder rechovyna- 1-2%: DRYCOAT rozfas.v bags of 25kg = 48sht, form-making powdered mixture scope - for cos Rennes base layer of plaster in buildings, not refractory, not in aerosol packaging. " POLAND ***** 5062.8 4652.799604 View Importer
28/Apr/2017 2704001900 "1.METALURHIYNYY STABILIZED coke from coal drunk 25-80 MMVMIST water - 4.8% volatile matter - 0.75% sulfur (dry weight) - 0.454% phosphorus (dry weight) - 0.050%; HOT STRENGTH COKE (CSR) - 61,9%; appointed PROMYSLOVOSTIDLYA-in steel blast furnace iron.. " POLAND ***** 1338750 380925.4537 View Importer
28/Apr/2017 602904900 1.Zhyvi plants, trees, shrubs and bushes, including their roots, to vidkrytohohruntu for decorative purposes, with torfohruntom in pots and p / e bags vasortymenti in stock: Abies proc. Glauca C5 Fir -8sht. Juniperus scop.Blue Arrow 120-140 Juniper -100sht. Fagus syl. Dawyck Gold C130 Beech -2sht. Fagussyl. Tricolor Beech 250+ -6sht. Fagus syl. Black Swain C130 Beech -1sht. Fagus syl.Black Swain 300+ Beech -2sht. Fagus syl. Purpurea Pendula PA 160 Beech -4sht. Fagussyl. Beech-C4 mix 12p. Fagus syl. Purple Fountain C130 Beech -1sht. Picea abies Konca 140-160 Spruce-6 pieces. Picea abies Inversa C45 Spruce -3sht. Picea abies Inversa 150+ Spruce -5sht.Picea pung. Spruce Hoopsii C2-10pc. Picea pung Glauca Globosa 80-100 Spruce -40sht. Pine Pinus Oculus Draconis140-160 -6sht. Pine Pinus Glauca 140+ -2sht. Pine Pinus Globe 60+ -1sht.Pinus mugo Wintergold 60-80 Pine -20sht. Pinus mugo Ophir Pa60 -6sht.Pinus 60 Pine mugo Ophir C5 Pine -7sht. Pine Pinus nigra 350+ -3sht. Pinus nigra 250+ Pine -5sht. Pinus syl. Watererri 160-180 Pine -5sht. Thuja occ. Golden Globe Thuja -50sht 40+. Thuja occ. Danica Thuja 20-30, 100 pieces. Thuja occ. Danica Thuja 30-40, 100 pieces. Thuja occ. Thuja Smaragd C2 -3sht. Thuja occ. Thuja Smaragd 350+ -51sht. Thujaocc. Thuja Smaragd 270+ -46sht. POLAND ***** 19400 10067.49235 View Importer
28/Apr/2017 7326906000 "1.Vyroby ferrous metals (steel), painted, used for fastening and support elements of drainage systems of buildings: -Hak rynnowy doczolowy # 125mm kolor 001 / Tortsovyy holder 125mm color gutter # 001 - 100 pieces; -Naroznik zewnetrzny (135 °) # 125mm kolor015 / external angle (135 °) # 015 125mm color - 5pcs; -Obejma bez sruby rury # 100mm kolor 045 / clamp downpipe 100mm color # 045 - 35 pcs; -Rynna (4mb) # 125mm kolor 001 / Water drainage gutter ( 4m) 125mm color # 001 - 25sht; -Rynna (4mb) # 125mm kolor 087 / Water drainage gutter (4m) 125mm color # 087 - 40sht. " POLAND ***** 295.9 814.646189 View Importer
28/Apr/2017 2704001900 "1.METALURHIYNYY STABILIZED coke from coal drunk 25-80 MMVMIST water - 4.9% volatile matter - 0.80% sulfur (dry weight) - 0.454% phosphorus (dry weight) - 0.050%; HOT STRENGTH COKE (CSR) - 61,2%; appointed PROMYSLOVOSTIDLYA-in steel blast furnace iron.. " POLAND ***** 1372350 390485.9354 View Importer
28/Apr/2017 7326909890 "1.Vyroby ferrous metal (not for military and medical): Homutzholoba frontal, 130 zincked. Brown, art.3186012604-150sht. Clamp fastening trough 160 izpryamym. Bilyy.otsynk long .; 250 art.3186043405-27sht . Emphasis ( "" quotes "") to clamp galvanized steel, brown.;, art.3186522204-50sht.Krayina production - PLTorhovelna mark - WavinVyrobnyk - ZELKA Sp.z oo. " POLAND ***** 44.22 208.0025526 View Importer
27/Apr/2017 3004320000 "1.Liky for people who have adrenal hormones, put up for retail sale: SALMERIKS powder for inhalation, metered, 50mkh / 100 microgram / dose, 60-dose inhaler number of 1 / salmeterol (as salmeterol ksynafoatu) and fluticasone propionate / producer TSELON Pharma SA (issue nerozfasovanoyi products, primary packaging and batch release permit, secondary packaging and batch release permission), Poland SALMERIKS powder for inhalation, metered, 50mkh / 250 microgram / dose, in 60 doses inhaler number 1 / salmeterol (as salmeterol ksynafoatu) and fluticasone propionate / producer TSELON Pharma SA (Issue nerozfasovanoyi products, primary packaging and batch release permit, secondary packaging and batch release permission), Poland SALMERIKS powder for inhalation, metered, 50mkh / 500 microgram / dose 60 doses inhaler number 1 / salmeterol (as salmeterol ksynafoatu) and fluticasone propionate / producer TSELON Pharma SA (issue nerozfasovanoyi products, primary packaging and batch release permit; secondary packaging and batch release permission), Poland; " POLAND ***** 42 7832.000119 View Importer
27/Apr/2017 3214900090 "1.Shtukaturka mineral rents baranek transpo-TV15 1.5 mm 42sht in mishkahpo 25kg paper, which is a powder mixture of the following components: cement to 30% of fillers (sand) -40% derivatives and to voice applications (plasticizers) -30 .Shtukaturka% mineral kornik transparent 2,0mm-TK20 42sht in paper bags po25 kg, which is a powder mixture of the following components: cement to 30% of fillers (sand) -40% and required applications (plasticizers) -30%. Plasterer ka mineral kornik color TK20 E50 2.0 mm, 10 pieces in paper bags po25kh, which is a powder mixture with us tupnymy components: cement to fill 30% of vachamy (sand) and 40% should be added kami (plasticizers) -29% 1% dye. Plastering acrylic baranek: base, 20pcs TAV1.5mm C; A base TAB 2.0mm, 100 pieces in plastic buckets 25kg which is a pasty mixture of the following composition nicks: sand-filling 40% pisokmarmu ditches 10% Supplement ((in, plasticizers) - 50%. Shtukaturkasylikono wa ba ranek base C TXB-20pcs 1.5mm in reservoir mass 25kg buckets, whichrepresents the pasty mixture with the following complex kami, fillers (sand, 40% resin Seeley and Konova 25%), acrylic copolymer dispersion of new 15% Silicon applications vodovidshtov huyuchi 5% modifying applications ( 0.5%) - 15%. Powdered mixture while adding water is used for setting yakkleyucha substance to hone us and ceilings of buildings to vaty.Kley mineral wool KW-84sht in Pape rovyh bags of 25kg has nastupnisklad nicks: filler (cement 50% pisok- 30%) modifying applications (plasticizers) -20% Scope defined vyrobnykom- andconstruction repair. " POLAND ***** 7950 4090.234954 View Importer
27/Apr/2017 8481808100 1. Spherical cranes for pipelines, of steel for working zpromyslovoyu cold, hot water, steam: 565A032C09C0C1M0 SZ Crane kulovyychavunnyy 565-09 / 32 PN 16 -15sht. 565A025C09C0C1M0 SZ ball valve chavunnyy565-09 / 25 PN 16 -10sht. 565A065C09C0C1M0 SZ iron ball valve 565-09 / 65 PN16 -20sht. 565A200C05G0C1M1WA SZ iron ball valve 565-05 / 200 PN 16 -2sht.Torhovelna Brand: ZETKAMAKrayina production: PLVyrobnyk: ZETKAMA SA. POLAND ***** 530.5 3321.710553 View Importer

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