Ukraine Import Data of 30 Fo under HS Code 3002109900

Check Ukraine import data of 30 fo under HS code 3002109900. Get import data of Ukraine for HS code 3002109900

Date HS Code Product Description Origin Country Quantity Net Weight [KGS] Total Value [USD] Importer Name
27/Apr/2017 3002109900 1.Nabory diahnostykymetodom reagents for ELISA intended for in vitro diahnostykyinfektsiynyh diseases and inshyhpatolohiy person (not for veterinary medicine, narcotic, non psychotropic substances), the active ingredient which yemodyfikovani immunological products, the principle of which is based on reaktsiyiantyhen - antibody: Set of reagents for imunofermentnohovyyavlennya antibodies to HIV p24 antigen and 1.2 HIV-1 HIV-KombiBest 1.2 AH / AT (set 2) art. 0152 -20nb. A set of reagents for ELISA vyyavlennyaimunohlobuliniv class M to hepatitis A virus in serum (plasma) IgM blood VektohepA art. 0352 -30nb. A set of reagents for ELISA detection antyhenuvirusu HAV hepatitis A antigen and FA Best art. 0356 -10nb. A set of reagents dlyaimunofermentnoho confirm the presence of HBs-antigen hepatitis VHBsAg-confirmation-I-BEST FA art. 0546 -1nb. A set of reagents dlyaimunofermentnoho detection of HBsAg in Vektohep-HBs-antigen (set of 4) art. 0559-35nb. Set ELISA reagents for the detection of total antibodies docore antigen of hepatitis B virus antibody VektoHBcAg art. 0566 -10nb. Nabirreahentiv ELISA to confirm the presence of immunoglobulin class M Gta to HCV Best anti-HCV confirmatory test art. 0776-10nb. A set of reagents for ELISA detection of immunoglobulin M dovirusu hepatitis delta Vektohep D IgM art. 0952 -2nb. A set of reagents dlyaimunofermentnoho detection of immunoglobulin M klischovohoentsefalitu VektoVKE virus-IgM art. 1152 -1nb. A set of reagents for imunofermentnohovyyavlennya encephalitis virus antigen VektoVKE antigen art. 1154-1nb. A set of reagents for ELISA detection of immunoglobulin G dovirusu encephalitis VektoVKE IgG art. 1156 -1nb. A set of reagents dlyaimunofermentnoho quantitative and qualitative detection of immunoglobulin G dovirusu measles serum (plasma) blood VektoKir-IgG art. 1356 -5nb. Nabirreahentiv for the detection of antibodies to Treponema pallidum in response hemahlyutynatsiyiRPHA-BEST antypallidum art. 1820 -100nb. A set of reagents for pidtverdzhennyanayavnosti antibodies to Treponema pallidum by immunoblot Treponemapallidum-blot BEST art. 1860 -1nb. A set of reagents for imunofermentnohovyyavlennya immunoglobulin G to Chlamydophila pneumoniae Chlamydophilapneumoniae IgG and FA BEST art. 1944-20nb. A set of reagents for ELISA detection of immunoglobulin M doChlamydophila pneumoniae Chlamydophila pneumoniae IgM and FA BEST art. 1946-5nb. A set of reagents for ELISA detection vydospetsyfichnyhimunohlobuliniv class G to HlamiBest Chlamydia trachomatis C. trachomatis - IgGart. 1964 -15nb. A set of reagents for ELISA detection vydospetsyfichnyhimunohlobuliniv class M to Chlamydia trachomatis C. trachomatis HlamiBest IgMart. 1966 -5nb. A set of reagents for ELISA detection imunohlobulinivklasu G to herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 in serum (plasma) kroviVektoVPH-1,2-IgG art. 2152 -20nb. set Reactive RUSSIA ***** 714 69194.43379 View Importer
26/Apr/2017 3002109900 "1. The modified immunological products, whose operation is based on reaktsiyiantyhen antibody, kits for immuno enzyme analysis, complete with the necessary reagents designed to deter tions in the laboratory yakostiprodu ktiv food and feed pets: R1211, RIDASCREEN Aflatoxin B130 / 15 - for the quantitative determination of the appropriate amount of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, G2 iaflatoksynu B in cereals, feed and nuts; R1121, RIDASCREENAflatoxin M1 30/15 - to quantify the amount aflatoksynivB1 respectively, B2, G1, G2 and B aflato ksynu for a grain lturah mixed, fodder and nuts x; R5304, RIDA QUICK T-2 / HT-2 Toxin - for rapid quantitative determination of T-2 toxin in cereals and feed; R5505, RIDASCREEN FAST Zearalenon CS GIPSA / FGIS validiert -for rapid quantitative determination zearalenone in grain vyhkulturah, feed, beer, meat, jetty these and urine; R5905, RIDASCREEN FAST DON SCGIPSA / FGIS validiert - for the quantitative determination of dezoksynivalenolu in ernovyhkulturah, malt and feed; R5402, RIDASCREEN FAST Ochratoxin A - A rapid determination lyakilkisnoho ohrato ksynu A in cereals and feed; R2499, Ridatestosteron Dotierl osung 500 ng / ml- test kit for EID nachennya testosteronuu milk, honey, Kre branches, fishmeal, meat and eggs; R5906, RIDASCREENDON- for rapid quantitative determination of dezoksynivalenolu in varnishes, malt, feed, beer and medicinal herbs; R1401, RIDASCREEN Zearalenon keel kisnohoekspres -to-definition zearalenone in cereals and feed; R3301, RIDASCREENZeranol - for several snoho zeranolu determination in urine; R1511, RidascreenChloramphenicol - to determine the concentration of residual micro levomitsetynuv this milk, dry milk, honey, shrimp, fish meal, meat and eggs; R3505, RIDASCREEN Tetracyclin-for the quantitative determination of tetracycline in meat, honey, shrimp; R5904, RIDASquick DON- test strips for rapid quantitative determination dezoksyni valenolu vzlakah, malt, feed, beer and medicinal herbs; N0803 RIDAS quick Clostridiumdifficele Toxin A / B Test strips for rapid quantitative determination; " GERMANY ***** 10.9 7429.010892 View Importer
25/Apr/2017 3002109900 "1. SETS rapid tests, which in its composition contains antibodies of animal and human origin. MANUFACTURER INTENDED FOR USE IN VITRO DIAGNOSTIC with the rapid study of samples of blood or urine: G11002MC, URINE STRIP 2MC - SET FOR URINARY strips RATIO DEFINITIONS MIKROALBUMIN / creatinine (50 strips in the set)., SHT. 9; Z01101CE, FOB-cASSETTE - SET test device for concealed fecal blood (25 cassettes in the set) SHT. 20; Z06903CE, SYPHILIS-cASSETTE - SET the test DEFINITIONS syphilis cassette (cassette 30 in a set) SHT. 10; Z08010, PSA-cASSETTE - SET test device for in VALUE prostate-specific antigen (cassette 30 in a set), SHT. 5; Z09600B, ROTA / ADENO COMBI CASSETTE - test device FOR DETERMINING rotavirus / adenovirus, SHT.-45; G04002, URINE STRIP 2 - SET FOR URINARY strips glucose, ketones (100 strips in the set)., SHT. 2; G04010C, URINE STRIP 10C - 10C SET URINARY strips (100 strips in the set) SHT.-40; Z06903CE, SYPHILIS-CAS SETTE - SET test device FOR DETERMINING syphilis (30 cassettes in the set) SHT. 10; Z08090CE, H.PYLORI STOOL CASSETTE - SET TEST FOR DETERMINING cassette in Cali infection H.PYLORI (20 cassettes in the set) SHT. 50; Z08120CE, TROPONIN I CASSETTE - SET TEST FOR DETERMINING cassette troponin I (30 cassettes in the set) SHT.-5; Z01101CE, FOB-CASSETTE - SET test device for concealed fecal blood (25 cassettes in the set) SHT. 15; Z08010, PSA-CASSETTE - SET TEST FOR DETERMINING cassette prostate-specific antigen (cassette 30 in the set); , SHT.-7; Z08090CE, H.PYLORI STOOL CASSETTE - SET TEST FOR DETERMINING cassette in Cali infection H.PYLORI (20 cassettes in the set) SHT. 50; Z08120CE, TROPONIN I CASSETTE - SET TEST FOR DETERMINING cassette troponin I (30 cassettes in the set) SHT. 10; Z09600B, ROTA / ADENO COMBI CASSETTE - test device FOR DETERMINING rotavirus / adenovirus, SHT.-60; Z98230CE, STREP.A - DIPSTICK - test strips SET FOR DEFINING A streptococci (20 bands in sets) SHT.-2; G04002, URINE STRIP 2 - SET URINARY strips for determination of glucose, ketones (100 strips in the set). , SHT. 100; G04004, URINE STRIP 4 - SET URINARY strips for determination of glucose, ketones, PH, protein (100 strips in the set). , SHT. 100; G04010C, URINE STRIP 10C - 10C SET URINARY strips (100 strips in the set) SHT. 50; A00531, CERULOPLASMIN (TURB.) - SET reagents ceruloplasmin (TURBIDYMETRYCHNYY) SHT.-1; G04010C, URINE STRIP 10C - 10C SET URINARY strips (100 strips in the set) SHT. 150; Z09601CE, ROTA / ADENO COMBI CASSETTE - SET TEST FOR DETERMINING cassette rotavirus / adenovirus (30 cassettes in the set). , SHT.-1; DIAGNOSTIC KITS reagent in its composition contains antibodies of animal and human origin, calibrators and CONTROL SUBSTANCE. INTENDED USE MANUFACTURER FOR IN VITRO DIAGNOSTIC In the study of blood samples or urine RIGHTS: 903120, BILE ACIDS, ENZYM.RECYCLING - SET reagents bile acid enzymatic; , SHT.-1; A00506, APO A1 (TURB.) - N " AUSTRIA ***** 125.83893 10509.62527 View Importer
24/Apr/2017 3002109900 1. Metal furniture for shops - stand display rack for points tovschynoyune less than 80 cm (disassembled condition at the time of transportation) - 300 pieces, Country of production - CNTorhovelna mark - has danyhVyrobnyk - no data. COLOMBIA ***** 0.1 27.92189963 View Importer
24/Apr/2017 3002109900 1. Truck, used brand MERCEDES-BENZ, Model VITO 116 CDI, model year 2014, the calendar year 2014, the first date 11.02.2014r reyestratsiyi-, white, body WDF63960313867470 identification number, type of diesel engine, working against capacity 2143sm3 cylinder, engine number 65194032074553, dvyhuna- power 120 kW destination for general purpose roads, body type van, the total number of seats including the driver's seat 2, povnavaha 3050kh, vantazhopidyemnist 1094kh 1956kh vehicle weight. All-metal box. There are no windows in the sidewalls. Lack of available space and technological holes for installing seats and safety equipment in the cargo compartment. There are no adjustments for seat anchorages and safety devices in the cargo compartment. Bold interior with comfort features in the cargo compartment. Axle configuration - 4x2. . UNITED STATES ***** 0.01 102.1659551 View Importer
21/Apr/2017 3002109900 1.Sets of reagents for diagnosis by the method of immunoassay, designed for in vitro diagnosis of infectious diseases and other human pathologies (not for veterinary, non-narcotic, non-psychotropic substances), the active components of which are modified immunological products, the principle of which is based on the reaction antigen - an antibody: a set of reagents for immune enzyme detection Antibodies to HIV-1,2 and antigen p24 HIV-1 CombiBest HIV-1,2 AG / AT (set 2) art.0152 -40nb. A set of reagents for immuno-enzyme detection of antibodies against human immunodeficiency virus 1 and 2 types CombiBest anti-HIV-1 + 2 (set 2) art. 0172 -15nb A set of reagents for immune enzyme detection of immunoglobulins of class M to the hepatitis A virus in blood serum (plasma) VektogepA IgM art. 0352 -30nb A set of reagents for the immune enzyme detection of antigen viruses of hepatitis A and VGA antigen IFA Best of art. 0356 -30b. A set of reagents for immunogenic enzyme quantitative and qualitative determination of immunoglobulins of class G of hepatitis A trust. Vectogeep A-IgG art. 0362-15nb A set of reagents for immunoassay confirmation of the presence of HBsAgVectogeep B-HBs antigen-confirmatory test (kit 2) art. 0548 -3nb A set of reagents for the HBsAg immune enzyme detection. Vectogeep B-HBs antigen (kit2) art. 0557 -300bn A set of reagents for immunoassay confirmation of the presence of HBsAg Vectogeep B-HBs antigen-confirmatory test (kit 1) art.0558 -3nb. A set of reagents for the immune enzyme detection of HBsAg VektogepV-HBs-antigen (set 4) art. 0559 -7nb A set of reagents for immuno-enzyme detection of immunoglobulins of class M to the core-antigen of the hepatitis virus VVectoHBcAg-IgM art.0564 -5nb A set of reagents for immuno-enzyme detection of total antibodies to the core antigen of the hepatitis B virus VektoHBcAg antibody art 05.066 -10bn. A set of reagents for immune enzyme detection of class G immunoglobulins to the core antigen of the hepatitis B virus HepaBest anti-HBc-IgG art. 0574 -5nb A set of reagents for the immune enzyme detection of E-antigen of the hepatitis B virus in the bloodstream (plasma) VektoNVe-antigen art. 0576 -5nb A set of reagents for immuno-enzyme detection of immunoglobulins of the class G to the HBe-antigen of the viral hepatitis B virus. IgG art. 578 -15nb A set of reagents for the immune enzyme detection HBsAg Vectogeep B-HBs antigen-2 (set 2) art.583 -1nb. A set of reagents for immune enzyme detection of immunoglobulins of classes G and M to hepatitis C virus. Best anti-HCV (kit 3) art. 0773 -200nb. A set of reagents for immuno-enzyme detection of immunoglobulins of classes G and M to the hepatitis virus SБest anti-HCV (set 4) art. 0775 -7nb A set of reagents for immuno-enzyme confirmation of the presence of immunoglobulins of classes G and M to the hepatitis C virus. Beastanti-HCV-confirmatory test art. 0776-5nb A set of reagents for immune enzyme detection of total antibodies to Virus hepatitis Delta Vectogeep D antibody art. 0954 -10nb A set of reagents for immuno-enzyme detection of immunoglobulins of class G to hepatitis E virus. Vektogepe IgG art.1056 -3 nbsp. Reagent set RUSSIA ***** 548 45602.61465 View Importer
21/Apr/2017 3002109900 1. Medical products intended by the manufacturer for use for in vitro studies in the laboratory to obtain information concerning a physiological or pathological condition, sophisticated laboratory reagents combined immunological origin, produced using biotechnological processes: Reagents complex (analytical) intended to carry out blood tests using enzyme immuno-analyzer Cobas E411: Test system for determination of hepatitis B surface antigen hen.2 HBsAg G2Elecsys cobas e 100 lot: 20640103 - 30 pcs. Test system for determining c filisucobas e 100 Lot: 21203403 - 30 pcs., Rear Ol Syphilis Lot: 21204101 - 2 pcs., Kalibo rator CA 72-4 Lot: 24309301 - 1 pc., Kali brator IgE Lot: 16847201 - 2 pcs. . GERMANY ***** 11.466 8832.347027 View Importer
20/Apr/2017 3002109900 1. System testing for pregnancy, acting by means located on the test strip modified immunological complex by antigen-antibody reaction series 12016: Test strips for pregnancy TEST® BB - 300 up.VYROBNYK: Laboratoire Innotech International, FR, the factory: VEDA.LAB, FR. . FRANCE ***** 3.3 363.5774886 View Importer
20/Apr/2017 3002109900 "1. The modified immunological products, whose operation is based on reaktsiyiantyhen antibody, kits for immuno enzyme analysis, complete with the necessary reagents designed to deter tions in the laboratory yakostiprodu ktiv food and feed pets: R9002, RIDASCREEN FASTAflatoxin SC GIPS a / FGIS - for quantitative rapid Identify ting amount aflatoksynivB1, B2, G1 and G2 in se rnovyh crops, Fodder and nuts; R5205, RIDA QUICKAflatoxin RQS-test strips for immuno-chromatographic analysis, complete with the necessary reagents purpose EID nachennya afla toxin in cereals, spices ihorihah; R1211, RIDASCREEN Aflatoxin B1 30/15 - vyznachennyavidpovidno to quantify the amount of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, G2 and aflatoxin B in cereals, feed and nuts; R5505, RIDASCREEN FAST Zearalenon CS GIP SA / FGISvalidiert -for rapid quantitative determination of zearalenone in corn-term crops, feed, beer, meat, jetty these and urine; R5905, RIDASCREEN FAST DON SC GIPSA / FGISvalidiert - to quantify the dezoksynivalenolu in cereals, malt and feed; R7001, RIDASCREEN Gliadin - test strips dlyaimunohromatolohichnyy analysis to determine gliadin in food catering ting; R7006, Coctail- extraction solution heat-treated samples dlyaproduktiv eating food; R3505, RIDASCREEN Tetracyclin-for the quantitative determination of tetracycline in meat, honey, shrimp; R3004, RIDASCREEN Sulfonamide-sulfonamini to quantify in m'yaci, honey, shrimp; R5901, RIDASCREEN FAST DON AOAC RI & GIP SA / FGIS validiert - to quantify ekspresvyznachennya dezoksynivalenolu in cereals, malt, feed; 5151ERY, ErythromycinELISA - for the quantitative determination of erythromycin; 5111GEN, Gentamicin - dlyakilkisnoho determining gentamicin; 5151COL, Colistin - for kilkisnohovyznachennya kolistsynu; 5151LIN, Lintomycun -to quantify vyznachennyalintomitsynu; " GERMANY ***** 45.3 24300.82903 View Importer
19/Apr/2017 3002109900 "1.Test system allergological and autoimun not Polycheck, screening for the detection of IgG IgEta: Inhalation art.05012002 I-20, -10 and 24 sets of tests; art.05012003, paedi atric I-20 -5 to 24 sets of tests, art. 05012001, Food 20-I po24testy -2 sets; art. 05012005, Polycheck Korea I - Stand ard -15naboriv on 24testy; art.05012007, Polycheck Korea III -Food -3 sets of 24 tests; art.05012085, Atopic 30-I -1 24 sets of tests; art.05012090, Atopic 30-II -3nabory of 24 tests; art.05012019, Atopic 20-I -15 and 24 sets of tests. Testypryznacheni for in vitro diagnostic use and, the principle of which is based on reaktsiyiantyhen- antibody only laboratory vykorystannya.Torhova marka- Biochesk. Fir and Production: "" BioCheck GmbH "" DE.. " GERMANY ***** 17 11280.19193 View Importer
14/Apr/2017 3002109900 1. Products medical tests for pregnancy and ovulation TEST for BEST®: TEST for BEST®Sensytyv highly sensitive test cassette pregnancy on early terms №1-300up. Series: 20150107.TEST for BEST® Sensytyv highly inkjet viznachennya test for pregnancy at an early timing №1 -900up.seriya: 20150108.TEST for BEST® Classic test strips for pregnancy viznachennya №1 - 2100up. Series: 20150720.TEST for BEST® Classic, test cassette pregnancy viznachennya №1 - 300up. Series: 20150103.TEST for BEST® Classic, inkjet test for pregnancy viznachennya №1 - 300up. Series: 20150102. Brand: Blue Cross Bio-Medical (Beijing) Co., Ltd, China for Delta Medical Promotion Ag Switzerland. . CHINA ***** 148.644 1931.999933 View Importer
14/Apr/2017 3002109900 1. Products medical tests for pregnancy and ovulation TEST for BEST®: TEST for BEST® Sensytyv highly sensitive test systems viznachennya pregnancy on early terms №1 -4200up.seriya: 20161217.TEST for BEST® Multi highly Sensytyv the test viznachennya strips for pregnancy at an early timing №2 -3000up.seriya: 20161218.TEST for BEST® Classic Economy, test strips for pregnancy viznachennya №10 - 750up. Series: 20161216.Vyrobnyk: Blue Cross Bio-Medical (Beijing) Co., Ltd, China for Delta Medical Promotion Ag Switzerland. . CHINA ***** 272.781 3551.999986 View Importer
13/Apr/2017 3002109900 "1.Nezareyestrovani in Ukraine drugs for people listed as finished dosage forms and imported solely for the purpose provedennyaklinichnyh testing protocol SB8-G31-NSCLC: -Promarkovani boxes containing SB8 and / or Avastin (Bevacizumab) 100 mg vial (25 mg / ml 4 ml) concentrate for solution for infusion - 60 flakoniv.Seriynyy number: 2404-104, B7213. Packing series: E01-009.Termin date: 31 March 2018r .. -Promarkovani boxes containing SB8 and / or Avastin (Bevacizumab) 400 mg vial (25 mg / ml, 16 ml) concentrate for solution dlyainfuziy - 600 vials. Serial numbers: 2416-103, B72 35. Packing series: E01-012. Expiration date: April 30 2018r..Vyrobnyky: SB8 - Cangene bioPharma (dba Emergent BioSolutions), USA; Avastin - Roche Pharma AG, Germany. Pryparaty not contain alcohol, vitamins, infected and / or biologically hazardous components, drugs and / or psychotropic substances, precursors or other substances turnover spetskontrolem under the Ministry of Health. not for about dazhu / resale / implementation. " GERMANY ***** 55.8 584372.3894 View Importer
13/Apr/2017 3002109900 1.1. Medical products, intended by the manufacturer for use for in vitro studies in the laboratory to obtain information concerning a physiological or pathological condition, sophisticated laboratory reagents combined immunological origin, produced using biotechnological processes: Reagents complex (analytical) intended to carry out blood tests using imuno- enzyme analyzer Cobas E411: Test system for determining CA 15-3 CA 15-3 G2 Elecsys cobas e 100 lot: 2099000 1- 1 pc., CA 15-3 Calibrator lot: 18 536 601 - 1 pcs. Test systems for vyznachennyaprola ktynu Prolactin G2 Elecsys cobas e 100 V2.1 Lot: 17223703 - 2 pcs. Test system for determination of free PSA free PS A Elecsys cobas e 100 V2 Lot: 20987702 -8 pcs., free PSA Calibrator Lot: 1 pc 18280401- ., cobas test system is defined for total PSA spare lot: 19942203 - 18 pcs. Test system for determining surface antigen of hepatitis B Volyn NGO hen.2 HBsAg G2Elecsys cobas e 100 lot: 20640103 - 3 pcs. Test systems for tions determined hen.2 immunoglobulin e IgE G2 Elecsys cobas e 10 0 lot: 17305402 - 4 pcs. Test system for determining prokaltsytoninu PCT Brahms (Roche) Elecsys cobas e 100 lot: 21201001 - 7 pcs. Test system for determining t roponynu I STAT Troponin I STAT Elecsyscobas e 100 lot: 18649301 - 2 w ., Hepato um C, II generation 100 Tests Lot: 21868902 - 3 pcs. Test system for determination of free triiodothyronine FT3 3 heneratsiyaElecsys G3 cobas e 200 Lot: 20310203 - 1 0 pcs. Test system for determining free thyroxine FT4 2 generation G2 Elecsy s cobas e 200 lot: 21545503 - 9 pcs. Test system for determining calcitonin / C alcitonin lot: 21413001 - 1 pc., Test system for determination of thyroglobulin / Tg II lot: 20930101 - 2 pcs. Test to determine cortisol II / cortisol II lot: 206 08801 - 1 pc., Test system for determination of triiodothyronine T3 Elecsys cobas e 200 lot: 19829702 - 3 pcs. Test system determine the TSH TSH Elecsys cobas e 200 lot: 22084101 - 23 pcs. Test for cancer antigen 125 II / CA 125 II Lot: 18748901 - 1 pc., Service set SAP, Elecsys, cobas e Lot: 21414501 - 1. Calibrators Cortisol Lot: 20666201 - 1pc., Test system for determining paratho rmonu PTH Elecsys cobas e 100 lot: 18500003 - 6 pcs. Test system for determining insulin insulin Elecsys cobas e 100lot: 21587101 - 1 pc., Test system for EID nachennya thyroxine T4 Elecsys cobas e200 V2 lot: 19428103 - 3 pieces ., test devices, etc. to determine c-reactive proteyinuCRP LX, 300 tests, cobas c, Integra lot: 21 624 101 - 1. Calibrators DHEASlot 18 753 601 - 1 pcs. Test systems for CA 15-3 Define ting CA 15-3 G2 Elecsyscobas e 100 lot: 20990001 - 2 pcs. Test system fo determination of C-peptyduC-Peptide Elec sys cobas e 100 Lot: 17397601 - 1 pc., T ESW system determine the free PSA free PSA Elecsys cobas e 100 V2 lot: 209 87702 - 1 pc., Test system for determination tion of Testosterone Testosterone G2 Elecsys cobas e 100lot: 19105302 - 1 pc., Kalibo rator HE4 lot: 21377901 - 1 pc., Test sy tems determine the antibodies to hepatitis GERMANY ***** 20.381 18366.44934 View Importer
13/Apr/2017 3002109900 1.1. Medical products, intended by the manufacturer for use for in vitro studies in the laboratory to obtain information concerning a physiological or pathological condition, sophisticated laboratory reagents combined immunological origin, produced using biotechnological processes: Reagents complex (analytical) intended to carry out blood tests using imuno- enzyme analyzer Cobas E411: Bluing Regent lot 250 tests: G07985 - 1 pcs. set ultraVIEW Universal DAB detection tests lot 250: G09070 - 1 pc., ISG protease 3 (0.02 farms. U / mL) 200Testiv lot: G084 31 - 1. Receptor prog esteronu (PR), clone 1E2, 50 Tests Lot: G08195 - 1 pc., HER-2 / neu, PATHWAY, clone 4B5 50 Tests Lot: G09203 - 1 pc., KI-67, clone 30-9 50 tests lot: G07946 1,000 estrogen receptor (ER), clone 50 SP1 Testivlot: G08481 - 1 pc., set of samples IN FORM HER2 Dual ISH DNA, 50 tests lot: G0 7237- 1 pc., detection kit ultraVI EW Red ISH DIG lot 100 tests: G05256 - 1pc., set to detect ultra VIEW SISH DNP, lot 100 tests: G08237 - 1 pc. UNITED STATES ***** 1.476 10697.22092 View Importer

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